Aberhart Robotics Republic


FTC Team Number: 20176

About A-Manual

FTC 20176, “Aberhart A-Manual”, is a strong team of 10 capable and active members. Our team focuses on the use of 3D-designed and printed parts, and the technique of seamless integration between standards and customs. We have always strived to use our expertise in 3D printing to create personalized and effective parts that will strengthen our robot’s ability to swiftly navigate the field and precisely score game elements. In this year’s CenterStage season, 20176 aims to take its camera-assisted autonomous to the next level with the provided TensorFlow tool. Combining powerful detection algorithms with our extreme build quality, Aberhart A-Manual has high hopes for a top 10 finish in this year’s season.

About A-Manual Team Captain

Comming soon...

Look at our engineering note book

Engineering Note Book