Aberhart Robotics Republic

Aberhart Robotics Republic

William Aberhart FTC Team

Who are we?

The Aberhart Robotics Republic (ARR) is William Aberhart High School's First Robotics FTC team, meaning we compete in local FIRST Tech Challenges. The team spans all grades with many skill levels, and consists of a White, Orange, and a newly added Black Team. We look to emphasize the skills of each individual, whether that be programming, engineering, design, or photography. We work on our robots every Wednesday in our school's Computer Science room and we may also meet on Fridays. We are also proud recipients of the FTC 2019-20 "Skystone" Collins Aerospace Innovate Award.

What is FTC?

FTC stands for FIRST Tech Challenge. It is a competition designed for students in grades 7-12. Teams are given 10 weeks to build and program a robot designed for the year's challenge.


We would like to thank our sponsor, General Dynamics Mission Systems Canada! Thanks to their support, we've purchased two additional robots for prototyping, one for each team. Without their continued help, we'd be unable to operate at our current scale.


We've got merch! If you want to support us, head to our apparel store. Buy hoodies, shirts, hats, and plenty more.

Our Robots

Both robots are assembled using FTC Tetrix Build Kits, with REV Robotics Expansion Hubs, Mecanum wheels, and Torquenado motors (with encoders). Both are equipped with a "whip launcher" powered by rubber bands to shoot rings forward. Each has a unique method for picking up rings: the Orange robot uses a conveyor belt system, while the White robot uses 3D printed augers.

Up to date as of June 2021

11712 - Orange Robot

Up to date as of June 2021

13898 - White Robot